Hi there!
Hi there! No fancy blog post yet, but thought I should give you guys a little bio about myself.
My name is Akane Hosoyamada, also known as AK, born and raised in the heart of the Canadian Rocky in a small but tourist filled town called Banff.
I started out on figure skates at the age of 3 and ended up on hockey skates 2 years after. I’m 27 now so I’ve been playing hockey for basically all my life.
I went to school in Banff until high school where I left home so I can focus solely on hockey and of course, school. I went to Warner Hockey School for 3 years, and then I went off to Syracuse University in New York for 5 years. Got my bachelors degree and that following month I went to Japan to fulfill my dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete.
中学校まではバンフの学校に通ってましたが高校からはホッケーを中心にワーナー ホッケー スクールに進学しました。3年間チームメイトと寮生活をし、卒業後アメリカの大学に行くことに決めました。ニューヨーク州のシラキュース大学を5年間通った後オリンピックの夢を追いかけるために日本へ飛びました。
I was able to compete at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics, and now I play for a club team in Hokkaido called the Dorokensetsu(DK) Peregrine. I’m in my 3rd year playing for DK Peregrine, and looking to win nationals for the second year in a row.
2018 平昌オリンピックに出場することができ、今は道路建設ペリグリンという北海道のクラブチームに所属しています。ペリグリンに入って3年目になり、今シーズンは連覇を目指して日本一を取りに行きたいと思っています。
I have received tremendous amount of support throughout my hockey career and I am truly thankful.
I hope my blog posts can help grow the game of hockey and inspire the next generation to become better athletes.